Friday, November 30, 2007

Hope and optimism

Dad's been stable through the day. He was sedated for most of it, because he's been ornery and cranky and fighting the breathing tube. Yes, he hates it enough that even though he's strapped down to keep him in place, he somehow managed to pull it out on his own! Go dad!! Unfortunately, his breathing was too shallow, so the victory was short-lived. They gave him another tube and more sedatives. The goal is to get him off of the tube tomorrow, as soon as his breathing stabilizes.

A few minutes ago, Kevin and April went in to check up on him. He's been sedated and non-responsive pretty much all day. They were talking to him a bit, and Kevin mentioned that Matt and Karrie are coming up in a few minutes. All of a sudden he pulled his head up a bit and tried opening his eyes! He's alive. His heart is beating on its own. His brain is recognizing names and voices, and arms and legs seem to be functional.

We're hopeful. We're optimistic.

1 comment:

Holladay Duplex said...

Yay, yay, yay. We, too, have hope and optimism, and all of the Youngs are constantly in our prayers. We are encouraged by the reports we hear and fully consider this a miracle. We love you!