Sunday, December 2, 2007

A long day

There have been a lot of visitors today! The last time mom went in to see dad, he wasn't quite as perky. We're thinking it's just fatigue, since he's had close to two dozen visitors today. Having never had open heart surgery myself, it's hard to say for sure.

His blood pressure is still high, and the doctors are thinking of giving him a patch to help control that. In talking with the nurses, his condition is good. They would have moved him out of the ICU into the intermediate care ward, but there aren't any available beds on the 5th floor. Janell and Andrea went to check out his new home, and we most heartily disapprove. The waiting room up there isn't nearly as nice, so we're okay with him staying here for a while.

1 comment:

Holladay Duplex said...

I'm glad Randy is getting so many visitors, but sad that I'm not one of them. So is Gabe, who is trying mightily to type his own message. Perhaps I will let him:

Never mind. Now that the opportunity is available, he is off to bigger and better things.

Love you guys!