Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday's Big News

Randy is in his OWN bed sleeping right now. He came home and had some celebratory lemon cake, courtesy of Tyler and Andrea. He came home around 6 PM, complete with a walker and all the cookies and treats that had been brought to the hospital, plus his juice cup and Jello, and was in bed by 7 PM, in sync with his grandson Scott. Once he was in bed, Barbara went out to a party, because she deserves it! (Hence, any of this information could be lacking, as our primary source is still partying as of 8:15 PM.)

Randy can move the walker pretty fast along the kitchen floor, but is still weaker on the right side and has some coordination issues, so he isn't ready to compete in the walker derby. His walker is also not outfitted with tennis balls like we see on most "little old lady" walkers. We figure they are the real professionals, so maybe Randy needs tennis balls too.

He is happy to be home. He will have some physical therapy with Home Health Care this week, which he is looking forward to. He says he is ready to throw a big party, but Barbara says he has to wait until after Christmas.

So, why is he home after we just said he would do inpatient rehab for a week? Just because someone said so. We are not sure what the criteria were or who made the decision, but here he is home. Since everyone else left town and Barbara is back to work, it is up to Janell to tend him. Barbara told Janell that her job was to keep him alive. No pressure Janell. Randy says, "if I'm still alive in a couple of weeks, then we'll have a party."

That's all we know for now. Janell will keep you posted, since she will have the inside information. We are sure Randy will miss the hospital food, particularly the meatloaf. Visiting hours are as yet undecided, but may closely follow Randy's and Scotty's napping schedules.

1 comment:

ChrisG said...

Congrats, Randy! I'm glad you're home and moving around somewhat. And I'm sure Janell and Scotty make excellent nurses.