Sunday, December 16, 2007

Party time! Excellent!

Randy has been home from the hospital for almost a week. Today we did a little housecleaning (with a lot of help from Aunt Clytee) and welcomed some visitors. Clytee took Randy for his first walk outside, and he walked down to the street corner and back at least twice. He thinks his dizziness is slightly improving, although it is still there and still annoying. Tomorrow we have more physical therapy and another blood draw, hopefully that will not knock him back to square one.

Anyhow, aunts and uncles and cousins stopped by to share a gourmet dinner of French onion soup, homemade by Tyler and Andrea. We thought we'd feed him real food to help put the cookie memory behind him.

I have a 16-second video of dinner, mainly of people eating while Scott holds two stuffed kitty cats and people say "meow" a lot; at the end is a shot of the Buche de Noel (actual grammatical accents ommitted) made by Tyler and Andrea, just because it is always time for a Buche.

And now, the grande finale: I made Randy talk into the camera for a minute and a half. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Matt and Karrie Young said...

Dad, you are walking very well. Next time you should spread more toys out on the floor for more of a challenge. Good camera work.