Saturday, December 1, 2007

Lazarus, arise!

Kevin and April just got in from checking in on dad. He's sedated at the moment, so he was not too responsive. In talking with the nurse, they learned that earlier a physical therapist had come in and they told Randy they were there to help him stand up. So he got up. All on his own!

He is now tied down to his bed again. So he doesn't, you know, wander off on them or anything. Go dad!


Jevan said...

Super exciting. Our thought and prayers continue to be with you and your family. We love you guys!

Holladay Duplex said...

Amazing. That is absolutely amazing!! Go Randy! I also forgot to mention how helpful the anatomy chart of the heart was with the description of what happened.

Also, thank you for the wonderful, well-written updates. We really thirst after news, and are grateful to hear it.