Saturday, December 1, 2007

Mmmm.... sugar.

Andrea and I went in to see him just before the shift change tonight. He wasn't talking, but he was moving around a lot. That bed is just too short for him! That, and he loathes the oxygen mask. He tried to pull it off probably 7 or 8 times in the time we were in with him.

We asked if he wanted us to go back to sleep yet, and he shook his head no. We told him about all the visitors who've come to see us in the waiting room today, and about the blog and all the people who were wanting to see how he's doing. He probably won't remember a thing from these first days, but it's nice to think that we're helping him relax in the moments when he's more lucid.

While we were there, they finished off the insulin he's been receiving. So hooray! One less tube! There are still several, and he likes to try taking them out at every opportunity. Those poor nurses-- they have their hands full! They'll be monitoring his glucose level every 4 hours, and giving him insulin shots as appropriate.

Not much else to report for the day. We looked at the clock and noted that he's starting Day 3. Time blurs, and it seems unreal that it's only been 48 hours since we first arrived at the hospital.
Mom is going to try posting in a while to let everybody know how she's doing.

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