Monday, December 3, 2007

Morning update

I just got back from seeing my dad in his room this morning. Imagine my surprise to see him sitting up in a chair talking with my mom! He was awake, alert, with eyes wide open, and holding a meaningful conversation with her. His blood pressure is still a bit high, but they're working on that.

He doesn't remember anything about people who've come in to visit him. That doesn't surprise me, as surgery like that can take a few days to really come out of. He now knows it's 2007. His children are Matt, Kevin and April, and Tyler. When you ask who his daughter is, he replies Janell, though, so he does know her-- he's just having a little trouble putting her in the sequence.

He listened to mom's explanation of what happened, and got a bit teary-eyed when he told her he's sorry to put us all through this. We, of course, are simply delighted to have him still alive.

He's very touched by all the kindness that's been shown to us through this ordeal, and is excited to read the blog to catch up on what he's missed. Since he'll be reading... "Hi, Dad!"

The nurses came back in to move him back into bed, and after that he was exhausted. We left him to get some sleep, and we'll go in later to quiz him again on dates, places and children. And he thought the SATs were hard!


Anonymous said...

Hi Randy, Barbie and the rest of your family,
Thanks so much for putting this information on the web. It helps answer all the questions I've had during the past few days. It is truly a miracle to survive this ordeal and not be left with any permanent physical damage. I know you, Randy, were in the hands of our Heavenly Father because you had so many friends and family praying for you. I'm hoping things keep going well and look forward to giving you a big hug.
Love, Cousin Sherry

Anonymous said...

A triumph against adversity.