Monday, December 3, 2007

Time for bed...

Randy is still tired and wants to sleep all the time but is unable to because the nurses keep coming in to check on him and Barbara helps keep him awake. Matt, on the other hand, believes in resting and sleeping. Randy ate solid food tonight for dinner. Barbara was feeding him fish and various side dishes the nurse brought in. He was able to eat slowly, as we all should. Grandma Young and Jackie Young visited Randy tonight.

PostScript from Barbara:
Other visitors today included members of the band (Dan, Russ, and Roger), Brent Evans, Glenda Evans, Toni Anderson (yes, he knew it was you), Liz Edmund, Gary Southern, Bill McMahon, and Hilary Coon (thanks for the plant and card from the research group!). Thanks also for the phone calls.

Randy is doing really well, he knows that it is 2007, and if things continue to go this well he will be home as soon as Thursday! It seems so soon, but the thought of him coming home is exciting. He will get some more of his tubes out tomorrow. The two doctors that operated on Randy also came in, and were both very nice. They emphasized that he is still making baby steps (if these are baby steps, then what could they possibly consider a big step??), and that he still has high blood pressure. He has to wear a medic-alert bracelet and carry a card in his wallet that says he has had an implant.

I'm feeling good. Good night to all!

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