Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thursday Conclusions

Randy was moved to Room 416 on Level 4 North Cardiology Wing this afternoon. He has a roommate, but all ages of visitors are allowed so all 4 grandchildren were able to see their Grandpa Young again. Ian asked to see the cool chest scar. Scott showed off his new brown boots, and fought with Erin about watching Elmo. All the grandchildren ate Belgian cookies from a big tin box that Helga left. In return, they left get-well drawings hanging on the cabinet.

Randy is still quite dizzy, and sometimes he sees double. If he wasn't so dizzy, he would be able to get up and walk around, but he's restricted so he doesn't fall down and break a hip; that would not be good progress. His surgeon decided to cut back on some of his meds to see if that helps with the dizziness.

If you go to visit Randy, he will offer you some of his food - chicken, juice, water, cake, you name it. He is eating well, but not at his prior capacity, so he's got leftovers. He is also enjoying his red jello cups with fruit.

Randy now has a roommate, so visiting isn't quite the same. He does have the window with a nice view, though. But, best of all Randy happily reports, "I can have as many blankets as I want here!" Once he can walk laps around the nurses' station, they will let him come home.

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