Sunday, December 2, 2007

Party Fun Time

Dad is missing out on a great party in the waiting room. The party began yesterday afternoon when Scott and I flew in, and Scott showed off how he can eat a banana and watch endless hours of Elmo's World on dvd. (Dear Elmo: Rock on! Love, Janell)

I am a bit sleep-deprived (much less than other folks here, though) which is making me blind and stupid. But I can remember the discussion last night that Randy went through a lot of effort to get a helicopter ride. He could have just asked. And he also went to extreme measures to get a family reunion. Matt and Karrie weren't going to fly out here for Christmas. Randy: "We'll just see about that." Then we all get together and he can't even join us. I told him that he needs to move out of the ICU so that the grandkids can visit him and jump on him. Randy: *thumbs up*

We were discussing the blog, and its wide audience. Our cousin Shannon has a fridge for sale. We discussed selling the fridge on the blog, but perhaps decided against it. So forget I mentioned it.

Kevin and April just came out of the ICU. Kevin to Dad: "Ian wants to come see you, but we told him he couldn't wrestle you." Dad: "That's a good idea." Kevin: "Do you have anything to say to the grandkids?" Dad: *smiles, raises arm and waves*

This morning, Dad's brother-in-law Mike Jackson came to visit; he's also had visits from his other brother-in-law Dan Bradshaw, and his other brother-in-law Steve Kimball, and his other brother-in-law Mike Moffitt.

While he's been resting, Dad missed Scott and Erin sharing a bath last night with "too many bubbles!" And he missed Scott's attempted naked-rocking-horse-riding, but I have a feeling there will be more attempts in the future. And he missed my fabulous homemade very secret recipe Irish oatmeal for breakfast. So, he's got lots of catching up to do.

1 comment:

Holladay Duplex said...

Dear Shannon,

We would have been thisclose to wanting to buy your fridge, but we already bought one for our duplex. Probably just as well that this isn't turning into Randy's List.