Sunday, December 2, 2007

A steady stream....

Things have been picking up here in the SICU waiting room. An organ donor became available a couple of days ago, and several families have been in for transplants. A heart, liver, kidney (for a 16 year-old girl), and a double-lung transplant. Very moving to see the effect of one person's decision to share their life.

Kevin and April, Matt and Karrie, and Janell all came up. And they brought food! Thank you again, everyone who's been bringing food by the house for the family. It's very delicious, and very appreciated. After lunch, the number of visitors ramped up considerably! We've been busy thanking everyone and swapping stories about dad. Thanks to all the neighbors, friends, band members, and loads of ward members who've stopped by to offer support. Technically it's only immediate family allowed in the ICU... the nursing staff has probably never seen so many in-laws!

He's been doing very well today. He's starting to remember who's been in before, and he's very good about knowing peoples' names. One day he'll be reading this blog and will laugh when he remembers how we all used baby-talk around him and asked the stupidest questions. Well guess what? You gave us a serious scare! Punk. :-P

Once his throat's well enough to really start talking we'll have a better assessment of things, and maybe then our voices will all lower an octave and we'll start holding philosophical discussions. In the meantime, I'm delighted every time I remember that he knows my name and who I am. Family relations are dear, and I'm grateful he's able to know us and how much we love him.


Becca said...

Face, your updates are awesome and so appreciated. You are in all our prayers. Hazel especially prays that you will all be 'peaced.'

ChrisG said...

I'm glad to hear that Randy is doing so well! I had high hopes when Dave told me he was "very pleased" by what he saw on Friday -- that's Dave-speak for "awesome!". I wish I was closer so I could join the stream of people in the waiting room. I guess I'll have to settle for telling you that you're all in my thoughts, and I'll be sure to stop by next time I'm down that way.