Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sunday Conclusions

Yet again the day has been filled with moments of progress and hope--and lots of visitors, which we have enjoyed! Again we thank all of you--we are grateful for all the support and love.

In addition to people listed previously, we also had nice visits from Elaine and Stirling Brinkerhoff, Barbara & John Hansen, Cory Cummings & Keith Davies (valiant home teachers), Greg and Saige Bonner, Dianna Hasselfeld (thanks for the cute grandma kit!), Maryetta Tsukamoto, and more family members. Thanks again for the continuous stream of food (the soup is delicious Sherrill). Since Randy did not get to visit all of you, and since he may not remember these days, we wanted to keep track of visitors here. If we missed your name, we apologize--we're a bit spacey at times.

Randy became quite alert tonight. His eyes were wide open, and he was looking around the room with interest. He asked Kevin and April if we were in France, and he asked Barbara if he was in a new room. He told Tyler and Andrea he thought it was 1979, yet he remembered the names of all his grandchildren without hesitation. When Kevin told him he was at the U of U hospital and that he had had a heart attack, Randy wrinkled his brow and said "That doesn't sound good." Later, Barbara asked if he knew why he was in the hospital, and he replied "I think I had a heart attack. . . how did that happen?"

Tonight's attentive nurse is Nurse Sloan, and she is very kind. Before the shift change, Barbara went to thank Nurse Valerie, who works Friday-Sunday, and said "I probably won't see you again since he will be moved before your next shift, and I want to thank you for all of your help." Valerie looked at Barbara and said "It truly is a miracle." Yes, it truly is!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Exactly 4 years ago, Bishop Young showed great faith in me when he called me to be the Young Women's President in P2.
I had NEVER talked to Bishop before that day. He was planning on calling me to be the Librarian, but after a short discussion he looked at me strangely and said he had changed his mind. You can imagine my concern as I thought I had failed the Librarian test.
I will never forget the spirit that I felt as I watched the spirit work through him. The process from when I walked through his door to when I walked out was truly amazing. I knew he was a man of God. I often reflect on this spiritual experience because of the great faith and trust that Bishop showed in the Lord and in me. From that day forward I have had a special place in my heart for Bishop. It is now my turn to return the favor and put my faith and trust in the Lord and in Bishop.
Get better and get back to work!